Rustics Rejuvenated

Mary’s example rustics

Mary Noble presented a workshop based on the Rustic script that dates from Roman times. The ancient script of Rustics is not a hand we naturally turn to but it can look very stylish. Although we looked at the historical model with steep pen angles, most of the day was spent in exploring variations in line and serifs, and the effects created using different mark making tools.  A good day was had by all.

Mary writes, ‘The unusually steep pen angle of Rustics singled them out as freaks even in their time, so we can explore how those early rule-breakers can be exploited today, trying non-standard writing tools as well as the conventional. This is not a very exacting workshop, emphasis will be on playing with letterforms.  However, we will begin by considering the heritage, as a starter reference point, but after that there are many ways to create new styles that may well look completely different from their ancestors!’